Ready to be a Happier Human? Contact us today for a complimentary consult.
Ready to be a Happier Human? Contact us today for a complimentary consult.
A structured series of workshops & activities, supporting students through a journey of discovering career options, identifying career-related goals & developing an action plan to evolve during the students critical years of schooling.
Value-Adding Service Offering for Schools
Enhanced Student Experience
Immense impact of leaving the safety net of the school community:
How prepared are students & caregivers for this change?
“We've heard too many stories about students who have changed courses, dropped out because they made the wrong choices about what to study, students who didn't realise there were other entry pathways or who started a course with next to no idea of what they were signing themselves up for.”
(Source: Simon Birmingham - WA Today 2017)
16.05 per cent of WA students who began an undergraduate course in 2015 did not return.
Edith Cowan University had the highest dropout rate of 21%, Murdoch 19%, Curtin 16%, Notre Dame 10% & UWA 7%.
In 2017, Federal Education Minister Simon Birmingham said “Too many students clearly aren’t getting the support they need to succeed.” (Source: The West Australian 2017)
The 3 crucial interaction points for students in ensuring successful whole school delivery of career education.
(Source: Gatsby Benchmark)
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